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__GpivLinRegData Struct Reference

#include <valid.h>

Data Fields

double c0
double c1
double cov00
double cov01
double cov11
double sumsq

Detailed Description

Data structure of linear regression data

Field Documentation

double __GpivLinRegData::c0

zero order constant

double __GpivLinRegData::c1

first order constant

double __GpivLinRegData::cov00

variance of zero order constant

double __GpivLinRegData::cov01

correlation bewteen first and 2nd const.

double __GpivLinRegData::cov11

variance of zero order constant

double __GpivLinRegData::sumsq

sum of squared residuals

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Generated on Sat Mar 31 19:30:54 2007 by  doxygen 1.5.1