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__GpivCamPar Struct Reference

#include <cam.h>

Data Fields

enum GpivCamMode mode
gint cycles
gchar fname [GPIV_MAX_CHARS]
gboolean mode_logic
gboolean cycles_logic
gboolean fname_logic

Detailed Description

Camera parameters

Field Documentation

enum GpivCamMode __GpivCamPar::mode

operating mode (indefinite/interrupt/definite)

gint __GpivCamPar::cycles

If GpivTrigPar not used. Number of cycles (equal to number of images to be recorded?)

gchar __GpivCamPar::fname[GPIV_MAX_CHARS]

image file name

gboolean __GpivCamPar::mode_logic

flag if mode has been defined

gboolean __GpivCamPar::cycles_logic

flag if cycles has been defined

gboolean __GpivCamPar::fname_logic

flag if fname has been defined

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
Generated on Sat Mar 31 19:30:54 2007 by  doxygen 1.5.1