The library has been implemented in several command-line driven programs that can be found in the Gpivtools distribution. A Graphic User Interface (Gpiv) is available, too, that controls all processes and its parameters and displays its results graphically in a more advanced way. Gpiv has been implemented with the Gtk/GNOME libraries and resides in Gpiv package.
This library has been written in ANSI-C and has been developed on a GNU/LINUX box and should work on any UNIX-like system. The main web page can be found at:
gzip -d libgpiv-*.tar.gz tar -xvf libgpiv-*.tar ./configure make make install
./configure --enable-cam
Triggering, currently only with RealTime Linux (RTA) and TealTime Aplication Interface (RTAI), is enabled with:
./configure --enable-dac
Libgpiv is included in the GNU/Debian system for most of the supported (currently 11) CPU architectures and is probably also included in Linux distro's that have been derived from GNU/Debian, like Ubuntu and Knoppix. This may drasticly ease the installation, as one has not to be bothered about library dependencies etc.